Self-Care Is A Selfless Act

Many of us can relate to the desire to find time for ourselves, but avoid it because it seems selfish or frivolous. However, self-care is one of the most selfless things you can do for your inner circle and the wider community.

Individual wellbeing can have a huge impact on community wellbeing. You can’t give what you don’t have; you’re no good to anyone when you’re tired, stressed or feeling flat, so self-care can be the best thing you can invest your time in to ensure productivity, efficiency and shared wellbeing.

Designing a self-care plan, which helps you to take care of yourself in order to continue taking care of others is crucial. Without a plan, you run the risk of neglecting your own wellbeing and, in turn, making yourself unavailable for those in your care. Any person in an industry where others are demanding of their time will find that it can become draining and have an impact on their health and competence. By committing to a self-care plan, you will have more energy and focus to care for others.

  • Get plenty of sleep

This is an obvious one, but it’s something that we forget to do when we get very busy. Sleep is involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels, so sleep deficiency can cause medical issues and ongoing health complaints. It’s important to get plenty of sleep to rest your mind and body. Fatigue can cause lack of motivation, among other wellbeing issues, so a good night’s sleep will help you remain focused.

  • Maintain a healthy diet

This isn’t easy when you’re eating on the go, but it is very important for your body, mind and soul to be well nourished. Aside from the physical health issues of a poor diet, eating fatty fast foods can cause fatigue, put a strain on the digestive system and can have an adverse effect on mental wellbeing. Keep some healthy treats close by for snacking, and if you’re time poor, make up some healthy meals and freeze them so you can grab and go. A healthy diet is part of a self-care routine that will help you to have the energy to contribute to the community.

  • Get some exercise

With a busy schedule, it can be difficult to take the time to exercise. But getting your heart rate up a couple of times a day doesn’t have to be in the form of a gym membership or a three kilometre run each morning. Just take the stairs instead of the lift, go for a walk on your lunch break or ride your bike instead of driving to work. You’ll be amazed at how good you’ll feel with a bit of fresh air in your lungs and some released endorphins.

  • Take a break

Your lunch breaks are meant to be a break away from work, so take them. Go and sit somewhere quiet to meditate, join friends for a friendly chat or go for a walk. Remove yourself from the stressful environment, even if it’s just a moment. Your brain and body need a break for your wellbeing. Don’t just take your lunch breaks, though. Use your sick leave. If you’re ill (whether it’s physical or mental), take time off until yoSelfu feel better. Remember, you can’t give what you haven’t got, so if you haven’t got energy, stamina or focus because you aren’t well, you can’t give your best. Take the time to rest and rejuvenate and get back to work ready to tackle what the day throws at you. You’ll feel better for it. Ignore the guilt that tells you not to take time off and remind yourself that you’ll be better use to everyone when you are well.

Self-care is not a selfish act. Self-preservation has a positive impact on wellbeing and should be a priority in order to continue to be the very best you can be.   

If you are interested in learning more about how to improve self-care techniques in your life, we can help, get in touch with your local Relationship Manager to book a meeting today.